Cortisol Hormone Test (Saliva)
The Saliva Cortisol test is the least invasive way to measure the level of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and regulated by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain, and the pituitary gland. Cortisol is a critical hormone that helps to break down fat and protein. The level of cortisol in the body stimulates liver glucose production and helps to maintain blood pressure and regulate the immune system affecting inflammation. It also helps us react to physical and emotional stress. Free cortisol, which is unbound to a protein, is found in the urine and in the saliva and cortisol levels normally fluctuate throughout the day, with levels being highest in the morning and lowest after midnight.
High levels of cortisol may be caused by Cushing Syndrome, a relatively rare disorder that could result from taking glucocorticoid-steroids for a prolonged period or an adrenal tumor.
Addison’s disease (primary or secondary) or adrenal insufficiency cause low levels of cortisol and may be a result of an autoimmune response to the adrenal glands or an adrenal tumor. 70% of primary adrenal insufficiency is caused by an autoimmune process that ultimately destroys the adrenal cortex.